Saturday, September 20, 2008

Religious Literatures

Tao te Ching
The first section says that a person should be open to new ideas in order to learn. Experiencing life is the only way we will understand life. Desires weaken our spirit with evilness. The Master gave the world the path to enlightenment for the good our mankind. Goodness can be seen in a person that is unselfish. If we let go of worldly possessions, we can conquer the world. A person will be wholesome if he or she follows these rules. The second section describes how individuals should not be embarrassed, should be patient and friendly. If an individual brags about his or her accomplishments, than they have not truly accomplished anything. By following the Tao an individual will not disobey these. The third section talks about there being a supernatural that exists in the universe and is called the Tao. The greatness exists everywhere. The are four great things that exist; Tao, heaven, earth and humanity. The fourth section talks about the compassion in individuals to do the right thing by following their creator. We should not be impersonal and know when to be. Everything begins and ends with Tao. The fifth section discusses how the Tao is not aggressive. Individuals will follow their leader in which ever direction they take them. What an individual does today will affect future generations forever. In the sixth section, it talks about individuals acting as servants because individuals will be treated the same way they treat others. Individuals should not discriminate against others in order to reach true goodness. The seventh section says that we should only seek to understand one thing in life, the Tao. Individuals should be balanced, not paying too much attention to one thing. Individuals should appreciate life by not squandering. The eighth section expresses that actions speak louder than words. Meditation will take you far in life. The ninth section explains how the Tao will give to all. Individuals should offer assistance to others only if they follow the Tao. When we least expect things is when we shall receive. The tenth section explains that there will always be conflict and resolution in life but as long as we do the right thing, we will be fine.

Wisdom of the Buddha
In the first Canto, impurities can only harm us and pure thoughts can only benefit us. We will only hurt ourselves with hostile feelings. True self knowledge will allow us to live a peaceful life. Living a balanced life is important. Hard work in life will lead to a better life. In the seventh Canto, passion will endure sorrow and enslave. Unattachement to worldly possessions will allow for a deeper, more spiritual path. Living a subdued life without pride will gain respect from everyone, including the gods. In Canto eleven, wisdom is the key to success. Life is fragile and should be realized as being so. The cyclical birth and death cycle is like hell. Live life to the fullest so you do not look back one day in regret. The fourteenth Canto, Gods will adore those who meditate. Naturally, human life is difficult to perfect and such perfection is rarely seen. Fear should not run our life because we will become lost. A true believer will understand the Four Noble Truths. Great deeds cannot be measured. In Canto fifteen, do not lower your standards. Possessions will make us miserable in life. Passion is an inferno, hatred is an imperfection, physical existence is suffering and there is no other bliss than nirvana. The greatest gift we can receive is health. Surround your life with wise people who pull you up instead of pushing you down. We should naturally follow the Buddha in our lives.

The Koran: Selected Suras
The individuals that believe in the power of Allah and prayer will be successful in life. For the individuals that do not believe, they know what is right and it is up to them to decide their fate. For those disbelievers, Allah has stripped away their hearts, eyes and ears and they will be punished. People who say they believe but clearly do not will be punished because they are deceitful but are only hurting themselves. Because they have lied, Allah has imposed pain upon their hearts. They will be sorry that they turned Allah away in the end. Allah does not guide disbelievers. Do not turn your back on Allah, your creator. Try to understand the meaning of Allah but if you do not, you shall suffer. Give out compliments to people that so deserve them. Allah will guide you and educate you. Disbelievers shall remain lost. Keep your promise to Allah and he will keep his promise to you. Only fear me. Live a humble life through patience and prayer. I will help you to believe if you truly try to believe in me. Those who believe will not be afraid and will succeed on the last day. Without Allah you would be lost. Only serve Allah, be good children to your parents, be charitable with the less fortunate. Allah knows everything that is thought of and everything that happens. When Allah gave us his words through Muhammad, the disbelievers would be punished. Be aware of the evil spirits around you for they will make you sin. Allah has power over everything. Do not judge others because only Allah will be the judge. Allah gave you life and has chosen your faith so respect and honor him. Follow your faith and you will be fine. Appreciate Allah for what he has given you. Recognize Ramadan if you are not sick because this is when the Koran was given to you. Fasting will teach you how to fight off evil. Do not eat or drink for sunrise to sunset and do not have sex with your wives. Fight those who try to harm you, but not in a mosque. During your pilgrimage, do not have sex or fornicate. Do not drink or gamble. Do not marry someone that worships idols. Allah will make you responsible for your own actions and he is all knowing. Do not test the limits of Allah. Allah will not give you more than you can handle in life. Follow the word of Allah and ignore all other words. Help individuals that are less fortunate than you. God is the creator of all things and completes all things to the end of time. Those who follow Allah will be saved.

The New Testament: Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the four gospels in the beginning of the New Testament. The four gospels share a similar goal which is to show that Jesus was the son of God. All of the gospels give a description of the life of Jesus, with emphasis on similar and different material. We learn in all four of the gospels that Jesus was a healer, who preached the word of the Lord throughout his life and up until his death. According to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus was brought to a town called Golgotha, which literally means skull hill, and was crucified with two other criminals. They nailed him and the other two criminals onto crosses and left them there to die. According to Matthew and Mark, the town was covered with darkness, when Jesus cried out loud, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” According to Luke, Jesus cried out loud "Father, 'into your hands I commend my spirit'", and then he died. According to John, there was not an incident such as the one described by Matthew, Mark and Luke. Instead, while Jesus was dying on the cross, he said that he was thirsty. The people around him noticed that there was a bowl of wine nearby. The soaked a sponge with the wine, put it on a stick and gave it to Jesus to suck on. Jesus then said “it is finished”, and then he died. This also happened in Matthew, Mark and Luke. According to Matthew, a wealthy man named Joseph asked for the body of the disciple, Jesus, and buried him. Guards surrounded the tomb of Jesus for the next three days, just in case he rises from the dead, as Jesus said he would. Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdala were standing in front of the tomb when an earthquake occurred and an angel appeared. The angel told them that Jesus has risen and to notify the disciples. As they went to notify the disciples, Jesus appeared to them and said “peace be with you”. Jesus tells them to follow the words that he has bestowed upon them and spread them to people like wildfires. Jesus also told them that he will always be with us until the end of time. According to Mark, Solomon accompanied both Mary’s and the earthquake did not occur but the angel was standing there waiting for them. Then, he appeared to everyone on separate occasions. Jesus then told all of them to live and teach the words of the Lord and they will be saved. According to Luke, the people that followed Jesus to his crucifixion went to go see him and were accompanied by two men who told them Jesus has risen. While Mary Magdala, Joanna and Solomon were reflecting the day, Jesus appeared to them and spoke to them. Jesus said to remain in the city and follow the words of the Lord and blessed them all. According to John, Mary Magdala went to visit the tomb of Jesus but saw his beloved followers who told her that the body of Jesus has been taken and they did not know where. Then, two angels appeared and told them that Jesus has risen. Then Jesus appeared before her eyes. Jesus told Mary to tell the disciples that he is going to our Lord and said “peace be with you.” A week later, Jesus appeared to his disciples and told them to believe in him and they did.

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